Gameshark Xbox 360 Controller Driver
- Gameshark Xbox 360 Controller Driver Windows 10
- Xbox 360 Controller Driver Mac
- Cheat Codes Xbox 360 Games
Heroes might and magic 3 download free full version. I'm planning buying a wired USB Xbox 360 controller, but I would like to know a bit more about it before actually buying.
- How to Use GameShark With Project64. Enable the GameShark code by selecting it in the 'Cheats' menu. Which Emulators Support the Xbox 360 Controller?
- CheatsGuru is the biggest archive of XBOX 360 cheats in the world. We have XBOX 360 cheats for more than 1,800 video games right now, and our collection covers all XBOX 360 games both new and old. XBOX 360 cheats for the latest video games are added to the site every day.
Free xbox 360 emulator download. Games downloads - VR Xbox 360 Emulator by xbox360pcemulator and many more programs are available for instant and free download. PEC Psx Emulator Cheater allows you to enter normal Gameshark codes which are normally used by your PSX, with bleem. And download the driver. Name, like Xbox 360 Controller. Manual Need For Speed Carbon Pc Cheats Money Xbox 360 >>>CLICK HEREXbox 360 control steering through the control pad, CHEATS Type the following code fast.
Most (all?) USB controllers identify themselves as USB HID (Human Interface Device), which allows them to be auto-configured and work right away, without installing any drivers. It also has the advantage that USB HID devices will (or should) work on any operating system.
But how about the Xbox 360 controller?
- Does it identify itself as USB HID?
- Does it work on Windows without the need of special drivers? (or did Microsoft 'cheat' a little by shipping the driver together with Windows?)
- Does it work out-of-the-box on Linux and Mac OS X?
EDIT: Okay, I've bought the controller. Some additional info:
- The controller uses a vendor-specific (0xff) device-class, which means it requires drivers in order to work.
- It works out-of-the-box on Windows 7 and Linux. It requires drivers on Mac OS X and Windows XP. See the answer below for more information.
3 Answers
In Windows it works out of the box, but if you install this software the Xbox 360 will display a battery indicator on the screen.
In Ubuntu, the Xbox 360 controller works flawlessly with xpad. (I've tried this successfully with a wireless controller)
In Mac, I've found a driver here, but I haven't tried it because I don't own a Mac myself.

For Mac OS X you will have to download one of the open-source drivers to get all of the features of the controller. As I recall, that was my experience on my Mac. I just double checked, I don't have the driver on anymore so I can't say which version I used (it probably was lost when I did a clean install of a new OS).
Linux will depend on what distribution you have.
Edit: The driver I used before was probably the tattiebogle driver.
If you have a XBox 360 wireless controller you would need the USB cable receiver that communicates back to the controller and your PC.
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Project64 is an emulator designed for use with PC or Macintosh systems. The Project64 emulator emulates Nintendo 64 games with excellent compatibility for about 75 to 80 percent of the Nintendo 64 game library. There may also be glitches or layering issues in some of the Nintendo 64 games, but most games run very well with only minor glitches. The Project64 emulator also has a cheats system built into the emulator, with cheats for all Nintendo 64 games built in; all you need to do is enable them. Project64 also allows you to add and enable your own GameShark codes to the games you are playing.
Open Project 64 by double-clicking on the Project 64 application file or a shortcut pointing to it. Click on the 'Options' tab in the top left-hand corner of the program window; a submenu will pop up. Click on 'Settings', then on the 'Options' tab. Click on the 'Hide advanced settings' box to deselect it. Click 'OK' when finished. The games that are supported by the GameShark plugin will be listed in the Project 64 emulator.
Click on the specific game that you would like to add cheats for. However you must have the game in your 'ROMS' folder in the Project 64 directory.
Click on 'System' and 'Cheats' once the game has loaded. Click on the 'Add New Cheat' link. You may also press 'CTRL + C' to reach the cheats menu.
Enter in the name of the code into the 'Name' box and enter the code into the 'Code' box. Click on the 'Add Cheat' button once you are finished adding the cheat code.
Enable the GameShark code by selecting it in the 'Cheats' menu.
Visit to download GameShark codes for use with Project 64. Once there, click on the down arrow under 'Browse by System' and click on the 'Nintendo 64' link.