Pistol Serial Number Database
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- Firearm Serial Number Lookup Taurus
- Mauser Pistol Serial Number Database
- Firearm Serial Number Lookup Smith And Wesson
The Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852, in Norwich, Connecticut. The company's first offering was a lever-action repeating pistol. Moving forward from those beginnings, Smith & Wesson shaped innovations in the manufacturing of modern handguns. As of March 2011, Smith & Wesson offers approximately 110 different pistols of varied designs and features.
Pocket Watch Serial Number Database
How to Identify/Date a S&W. 76 1968 1974 Auto 9mm Machine Pistol. And the serial number, I'll bet I can make a pretty good guess. Apr 19, 2012 running serial numbers Discussion in 'The. The NICS check does not even include the make, model or serial number of the gun, only the general type (handgun, rifle, shotgun); it is a check on the buyer, not the gun. An item listed in the database stays there forever until it is removed by law enforcement through the proper procedures. Search Firearms by Serial Number Please enter the firearm serial number using only letters and numbers without spaces or other special characters. Serial Number (required). There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. Your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several years off depending on model. For the exact date on your gun request the letter from the S&W Historian.
Examine the barrel of the Smith & Wesson pistol. Locate either 'Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts' or 'Smith & Wesson; Houlton, ME' stamped on the barrel. This identification proves that the handgun is an authentic Smith & Wesson pistol.
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Locate the serial number on the left side of the pistol's frame. The standard location for the serial number is above the trigger guard. Some serial numbers are located underneath the frame in front of the trigger guard. Others are on the rear of the frame, above the gun's grip.
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Look up the pistol's full serial number -- including all letters and numbers -- in the back section of the 'Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson' book. These listings inform you of the pistol's date of manufacture, based on the serial number.
Smith and Wesson pistol
Smith & Wesson catalog
Items you will need
Get a basic idea of whether your Smith & Wesson pistol was manufactured at a very early date or a later date by identifying the letters from A to Z in the serial number. The letter 'A' denotes a pistol manufactured at a very early date. The letters continue on through the alphabet, for pistols manufactured at later dates.
The numbers in the Smith & Wesson serial numbers are random numbers.
About the Author
Firearm Serial Number Lookup Taurus

Mauser Pistol Serial Number Database

Firearm Serial Number Lookup Smith And Wesson
Christopher John has been a freelance journalist since 2003. He has written for regional newspapers such as 'The Metro Forum' and the 'West Tennessee Examiner.' John has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Memphis State University.