The Strangest Secret Free Download

The Greatest Secret Earl Nightingale
'The Master Teacher The Imperial Grand Potentate, Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York 33º/720º. Defines Success' QUESTION: What is Success? ANSWER: Success is the progressive realization of a worthy idea. If you have a goal and you are working towards that goal, then you're on the path to success. 'A 30 Day Program” All One Has to Do Is Apply The Method To Their Life And Your Life Will Never Be The Same Again! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` SAY This for 30 days straight I plant positive thoughts in my mind I am practicing this for 30 days straight. I am doing a 30 day practical method. I am applying this method for 30 days straight. This is going to be easy. This will alter my life for the better and for ever. I think and I relax.
I am writing down my want list on a card. I am imagining and concentrating on my want list for 30 days straight and 3 times a day. I am looking at this want list for 30 days straight and 3 times a day. SAY This for 30 days straight I want (state wish or want) ____________________________________________________? This is my reality the moment I think about it _________________________ I create positive habits. I always think positive. I take control of my mind. My mind will only think of what I allow it to think. I Do more. I think more. I give myself more then I ever did before. I don't worry about how I am going to achieve my goals. All The answers will come to me. I think of all the reasons I can be successful. I write out the persons that I love to become I am like __________________________________________ I can not live no other way after this right knowledge. I my whole life to live in a superior way. I am super-strong mentally. I am a super-strong physical. I am super-strong 9 ethereally I am cured of all mental diseases, namely ignorance. I am a Supreme Being of the pure radiant Green Light. I change my mental environment and I change my life. I am a superior thinker. I am bred to be superior in mind. I am programmed by my superior mental environment
I am educated In a Superior mental environment. Named Nuwaubu/Wu-Nuwaubu I am physically and spiritually free. I am a supreme being. I am goal-minded. I achieve anything I want to achieve in my life. I am financially independent. I know how to use my superior knowledge to become super-successful. I get everything I want in my life. I have the super-magic touch. Anything I touch turns into success. I continue to become more & more successful in my life. I always think big and successful. I am a super-successful supreme being. I am progressive In the realization of my worthy ideas. I do everything in any field I choose to. I am successful in anything I choose to do, because that's what I want to do. I propagate the 'Message of the Most High'. I set goals. I am going to.. (State action)_____________________________________________. I am going to.. (State action)_____________________________________________. I am going to.. (State action) _____________________________________ (set date for deadline). ____________________________________________ I will succeed. I will reach all of the goals that I set for myself. I set out to achieve all of them. I want to become a 'Supreme Being” I am a 'Supreme Being” Success is anybody that's doing a pre-determined job. I will (state action) ________________________________________________________.
I am (Determine) __________________________________________________________. I posses a burning desire to be what I think about all the time. I create all my opportunities in my life. I I I I I I
know where I am going. have complete plans. know my directions. know my destination. know where I am going all the time. have the superior guidance.
I am a superior sales man. I have no limits in ALL I I I I
always achieve. sell anything, because I want to. sell everything. believe in what I am selling.
I don't hurt anybody. I don't displease anybody. I make everything I do marketable to all. I I I I
am superior competitor. am a super-winner. super-succeed in my life. really overstand this principle completely.
My life is altered for super-success The Bes things are always attracted to me. Everything I want, I get. From now on, I won't have any problems. I won't have any worries. I don't have any doubt, nor any fears in my life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'THIS IS THE KEY!!' SAY this for 30 days straight I am what I think about all the time. (Say what you want to think about all the time) <<
I alter my attitude to a superior state of mind. I am a superior mind. I care enough for super results. I will achieve it. I achieve all I I I I I
am am am am am
super-rich. super wealthy super-healthy. super-intelligent. super- knowledgeable on all subjects on earth and the whole boundless universe.
Anything I think in my mind, I am it. Anything I feel in my heart I am it. My life is what my thoughts make it. I posses positive, crystal clear and vivid pictures in my mind of what I want to do. I posses positive, crystal clear and vivid pictures in my mind of what I want to become I know my goals and purposes In my life. I have set a target before me. I am prepared. I practice. I am talented. I am skillful. I have the complete idea. I achieve all of my goals when I think about them. I am helping to save positive agreeable Nubian people who don't believe in themselves. Possible Nine-mind revision: (I am helping to save positive agreeable Nubian people who don’t KNOW themselves.) I totally believe in myself. Possible Nine-mind revision: (I totally trust in my abilities within myself.) I will instill this superior mind-concept in all of my children. I am the greatest of the great. My children are the greatest of the great.
I am a chosen child of Anu. I have the superior-faith I have super-determination. I will succeed. I succeed I know all things are possible to me. I think in only positive terms. I get only positive things sent to me. I believe and I succeed. Possible Nine-mind revision: (I am conscious of my ability to achieve success) I know and I succeed. I have no doubt in myself. I attempt all things I want & wish for. I make everything happen for me in my life I become what I think about. I think about positive, concrete, worth-while goals and ideas. I will always become what I think about. I think about all the positive things I want to become in my life. I become what I think about. Anything I plant in my mind I become it. I plant super-success in my mind and everything I want and wish for in my life becomes reality. I concrete on only worth-while goals. I always value my mind, my body, my soul and my spirit. I don't take my mind, my body, my soul and my spirit for granted. I plan my goals in my mind. I am making the most important decision in my life. I plan all my goals in my mind and I achieve them.
I picture myself as a Supreme Being. I see myself as having already achieving all goals in my life. I am outstanding in everybody's eyes. I am a great, supreme being. I find everything I need in my life to help all others. I am super-rich in personality, fame and respect. I plant any thought in my mind and I easily achieve it. I care and work towards achieving my goals in life and everything I plant in my mind becomes a reality. That is Universal law. This always works, because this is Universal law. I am where I want to be. I am guided by my Inner Being
I think, I think and I think
I am learnt in this superior science.
I overstand this Supreme science. I know this supreme science works with the forces of nature put your want and wish in the lines I am _______________________. I believe in___________________________. Possible Nine-mind revision: (I focus on) ___________________________. I have faith in_____________________________. Possible Nine-mind revision: (I strive towards) _____________________________.
I am in control of___________________________. I do the job that I love doing. I only do super-great things in my life I am A Supreme Being of the pure radiant GREEN LIGHT

Earl Nightingale Audio Books
The Strangest SECRET - Earl Nightingale // FULL AUDIO! Earl Nightingale (March 12, 1921 -- March 28, 1989) was an American motivational speaker and author, known as the 'Dean of Personal Development. The Strangest Secret Today's free audio book is a short but powerful message from the 'Dean of Personal Development' Earl Nightingale. This recording is actually one of the recordings that helped to launch the spoken word industry. Produced in 1956. ‘We become what we think about’ is the main takeaway from part 1 of this article about The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale’s classic self-help recording from 1956 of which we share a free audio (mp3) download. Apr 4, 2006 - One of the eNewsletters that I most look forward to is Dan Miller's 48 Days e-Newsletter. Dan's mission/business/ministry is to help people. The strangest secret Download the strangest secret or read online here in PDF or EPUB. The magicians download torrent s02e02. Please click button to get the strangest secret book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. I'd like to tell you about The Strangest Secret in the World. Everything that's really worthwhile in life came to us free. Download the audio version.