How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam

I have purchased a game on Steam and can not find out the details of the file or purchase.How does one find their CD Key from a game purchased in Steam?

  1. How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam Download
  2. How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam Pc
  3. How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam Free

How do I add a key to my Steam account? Log in to the Steam client application (if you haven’t yet, you can download the Steam client here. Click the button labeled '+ Add a Game' on the bottom left on the Steam client and select 'Activate a Product on Steam.' And follow the on-screen instructions. Check out are huge list of available Steam titles and choose the right one for you. Our cheap keys can be easily activated on Steam and the game will be added to your. Then download the game easily! Steam also offers patches and updates. Convince yourself of the quality of a games, you can also download a variety of demo versions.


3 Answers

Most Steam games don't have any CD keys. Everything is attached to your account and can be downloaded and run inside the client, and most games require no extra verification - the Steam client itself is sufficient.

For the games that do have CD keys, right-click the game in your library and click View CD key.

This will show a dialog with your CD keys for the product (actual keys redacted here):

Steam will also show a reminder on the Steam Overlay when you launch the game, allowing you to access the keys from within the game. Here, you can also tell Steam to not show this reminder again (in case you already entered the key inside the game, or if the game doesn't actually use the key).

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Michael MadsenMichael Madsen

If a game requires a CD key, you can right-click the game in your games list and select 'View CD key'.

Not all games have this option. If, for some reason, you need the CD key of a game which does not have this option, I suggest contacting Steam Support about the issue.

How to add key to download game on steam pc
Eric FinnEric Finn

In the eve of 2019 I couldn't find this setting in the context menus for some reason, but can see it currently present under Links category of a game:

The Dreams WindThe Dreams Wind

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How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam Download

I just bought a digital copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 from Amazon, and I was given a Steam key to use.

The problem I have is that I do not see any button in Steam that allows you to add a game to your Library.

I've looked under the 'Games' tag and have tried the methods described in various YouTube videos, but still no luck in solving my problem.

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It's as if my browser is missing a row of selections at the upper part of the screen and, as I said earlier, there is no add a game button visible in the lower left of the Library.


How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam Pc

3 Answers

From your question it seems like you're using the in-browser version of Steam (

If this is the case, you will be unable to install your game until you download the Steam application, which can be found here: Steam download

After downloading, installing, and then opening this application, click the large text that says 'LIBRARY', and then click '+ ADD A GAME' at the bottom left hand corner of the app. From here, the process for installing your game is very simple, just follow the app's instructions.

  1. Click 'Games' in the Menu Bar
  2. Click 'Activate a Product on Steam'
  3. Follow Instructions
  1. On the top left corner, click on the word Steam:
How to add key to download game on steam pc

How To Add Key To Download Game On Steam Free

  1. Scroll to Activate Products

  2. Follow the steps and enter your key.


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